Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) Иностранные языки Английский язык

Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) на тему Лингвокультурологические особенности урбанонимов в городском топонимическом пространстве (на материале названий английских пабов)

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Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Toponymy in Modern
Onomastics. 6

1.1    Methodological Features and
Approaches to Toponymy. 6

1.2    Toponyms: Classification Problems. 16

1.3 Linguistic Status of Urbanonyms.
Ethnolinguistic Approach to Study of Urbanonyms. 20

1.4 Summary of Results. 22

Chapter 2. Pubs as part of English
culture. 24

2.1 Pubs in the history of English
culture. 24

2.2 Basic principles for formation of
names of pubs. 28

2.3. Modern trends in pubs naming. 30

2.4 Results and Discussion. 32

Chapter 3. Structural and semantic
analysis and pragmatic potential of names of English pubs. 33

3.1 Structural and semantic analysis
of names of English pubs. 33

3.1.1 Structural
features of names of pubs
. 33

3.1.2 Lexical
and semantic analysis of names of pubs. 40

3.2 Pragmatic
aspect in names of pubs. 49

3.2.1 Imagery
as key factor in pragmatic effect enhancement of names of pubs  49

3.2.2 Form
and composition of names of pubs as method of pragmatic effect 

Modern linguistics is characterized by the intensive development of
interdisciplinary areas of linguistic research. It includes the study of
geographical names – toponymy where history, geography and cultural studies
play a leading role apart from linguistscs. Onomastics, including place names,
makes up a significant part of the vocabulary of any highly developed language.

The emergence of new onomastic units is firmly associated with the
culture of a particular ethnic group and is determined by its world image
determined by linguistics. Onomastic vocabulary, designated as a complex
independent system, forms a specific layer in the linguistic world image.

In the range of the English political and geographical names of the
toponymic system one of the leading roles is played by urbanonymy which is a
set of names of intracity topographic objects.

The image of each English city is unique, its toponymic layer is also
unique and individual, representing a kind of chronicle of the people. The role
and significance of urbanonyms as identifiers of intracity objects is quite
crucial today. However, special onomastic studies have been carried out
recently, so not all urbanonyms are the subject to systematization and detailed
linguistic analysis. The uniqueness of the urbanonyms — names of pubs lies in
their ability to reflect the traditional folk spiritual culture, to be the
source of historical, regional and cultural information.

The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that British
pubs represent an important component of English culture, and its influence can
be traced throughout the history of the country. It is also important to note
that the research of the names of English pubs through the prism of cultural
linguistics is a significant topic at the intersection of various scientific
disciplines, thus making the study a multidisciplinary one.

The object of the research is the urbanonyms-names of British pubs,
which are a kind of lexical subsystem of the British version of the English
language and which are widespread in modern English.

The subject of the research is the determination of the structural,
semantic features, as well as the pragmatic potential of the names of British
pubs and the ethnolinguistic aspect, exemplified in the urbanonyms-names of

The objective of the research is a comprehensive structural,
lexical-semantic and pragmalinguistic analysis of the urbanonyms-names of
British pubs.

To achieve the objective of the research, the following tasks were set:

determine the methodological features and approaches to toponymy;

figure out the classification problems relating to toponyms;

determine the linguistic status of urbanonyms;

consider the history of English pubs;

determine traditional and current principles for formation uranonyms-pubs;

analyze the lexical and semantic features of names of pubs

figure out the pragmatic aspect in names of pubs.

Achieving the above objective required the complex application of
various research methods. The study of linguistic material is carried out by
the method of qualitative analysis based on observation, description,
classification and generalization of the identified features of the phenomenon
under study. The processing of the material was carried out applying the
methods of systematization and classification of the phenomena typical for the given
culture. The inductive method, necessary for the study of national and cultural
specifics, lexical-semantic and structural-morphological analysis is relevant,

The material under research includes the urbanonyms-names of pubs,
gleaned from the following sources: The Wordsworth Dictionary of Pub Names [2014],
Best Pubs and Inns [2010], The Good Pub Guide [2012], Historic English Inns
[1972], The English Pub.
A History [2015].

The theoretical basis of the research consists of the works of the
following researchers: O.M. Kazakova, E.M. Kakzanova, N.V. Podolskaya, A.V.
Superanskaya, J. Nash, H. Grillo, G.G. Molchanova, S.L. Kazakova, etc.

The theoretical significance of the research lies in the comprehensive
description of the semantic, structural-morphological and pragmatic
characteristics of the urbanonyms-names of pubs. Ethnolinguistic analysis of
urbanonyms-names of pubs has been carried out as well.

The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of using the
theoretical basis and the conclusions when compiling textbooks on regional
studies, within the courses on the basics of translation, pragmatic linguistics
and lexicology of the English language, when writing diploma theses in English
onomastics, lexicology, as well as when studying English in an advanced stage
for adequate perception and interpretation of British culture thus increasing
linguistic and cultural competence.

The research consists of the introduction, three chapters, the
conclusion, references.


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Chapter 1. Toponymy in Modern


1.1  Methodological
Features and Approaches to Toponymy


A proper name
(onym) means a word or phrase that serves to highlight the object indicated
among other objects, i.e. its individualization and identification [
2, p. 273]. In the vocabulary of each language, proper
names form a special category, which is opposed to common nouns and has its own
specific features.

Since proper names
are a linguistic fact and are an object for linguistic analysis [
32], it is necessary to establish the boundaries of
onomastics in the lexical system. The complexity and controversy of this
problem is proved by the very history of the study of proper names in

distinctive features of proper and common names are usually reduced to the

proper name does not denote, but nominates, i.e. “in proper names the ability
to denote is highly limited” [
23, p. 12].

and common names vary in the degree of lexical abstraction. O.S. Akhmanova
believes that a proper name is devoid of a significative function and is
"a simple sign indicating a known thing, event, position, etc." [
2, p. 275]. While A.V. Superanskaya states that a
proper name also has a certain ability to generalization [

proper name is "semantically reduced" and does not correlate with
concept. E.M. Kakzanova points out that “the transformation of a common name
into a proper one means, first of all, the loss of a concept and the
transformation of a word into a nickname; on the contrary, the transformation
of a proper name into a common noun is associated with filling the word with a
new concept with new essential features” [
10, p. 42].

An interesting
approach to the problem of proper names is that of academician L. V. Shcherba.
He writes: "Since proper names, being used in speech, cannot have any
meaning, insofar we must consider them words, even if they are deeply different
from common nouns; since they are words, there is no reason to exclude them
from the dictionary The whole question is to determine what in the language is
"the meaning of proper names" [
44, p. 52].

Analyzing various
theories of proper names, A. V. Superanskaya notes that the absence of their
unified concept is explained by “the difference in the initial positions and
methods of their creators, as well as by the fact that searches were sometimes
conducted in diametrically opposite directions” [
39, p.88].

Most proper names,
in whole or in part, come from common nouns, so their semantics are more
complex. Created on the basis of common nouns, proper names are not used in the
same meaning as the common ones, therefore they cannot be considered in the
same way [
57]. Proper names are not a grammatical, but a lexical
category, since these are lexical categories that tend to be invariable in
ferms of translation, for instance. Another feature of proper names in
comparison with other lexical classes is the highest stability of onyms within
linguistic transformations of the text and in extra-linguistic transformations
of the denotation [

As another formal
difference between the categories of proper names, one can point to the
specificity of word formation in case of a proper name: “Proper names of a
given language obey, as far as possible, the laws that are applied for common
nouns. But, since the range of sources of proper names of any language is
immeasurably wider than the range of sources of its common names, naturally,
the range of linguistic phenomena represented should be wider. That results in
the wider range of sounds and less strict morphological framework of proper
names” [
40, p. 205].

So, proper names
are included in the lexical system of any language as a special class of words
with a number of specific features. Being a linguistic fact, proper names obey,
the internal laws of a particular language, at the same time, they show
originality. The features of this class of words must be taken into account at
all levels of language analysis, both in terms of content and in terms of

A proper name is
given to an individual object, it is "a secondary name for a given object,
supplementing and clarifying the primary, common noun, and serving to
distinguish known similar objects from each other" [
40, p. 10].

One of the
relevant tasks of onomastics is the study of the linguistic features of proper
names, which are formed, on the one hand, taking into account the system
capabilities of a given language, and on the other, due to the needs and
capabilities of this onymic system. Onomastic space, on the whole, is
practically immense, which makes it necessary to divide it into certain
sectors. In this context, the classification of A.V. Superanskaya (1973), which
divides names into "the names of living beings and beings perceived as
living" and "names of inanimate objects", among which the most
significant place is occupied by toponyms should be considered as reasonable.

Since toponyms are

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