Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) Иностранные языки Лингвистика

Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) на тему Antonymic relations in English and Russian Lexis and Phraseology

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1.1. The essence of the concept of “antonym” 5
1.2. The essence of the concept of “idiom» and the specificity and difference from lexical units 13
1.3. Summary of Results 29
2.1. Antonymic relations in Russian vocabulary and phraseology 31
2.2. Antonymic relations in English vocabulary and phraseology 38
2.3. Results and Discussion 44
3.1. Methods of lexical work in foreign language lessons aimed at studying antonyms 45
3.2. System of exercise’s for teaching the antonyms of the English language 51
3.3 Results and Recommendation 58




In general, modern science is integrative science and takes into account the mandatory interaction of its various branches, both among themselves and within each of them. Similarly, modern linguistics interacts with other branches of science, for example, with philosophy, psychology, mathematics, etc., and also integrates its various parts.
The concept of antonymy exists in all languages, since it is a language universal and is based on the logical category of opposition. At the same time, Russian and English are not exceptions — antonymic constructions exist in various manifestations in both of these languages. Comparative and comparative typological methods in linguistics make it possible to identify similarities and differences in the antonym systems of the Russian and English languages, which contributes not only to the orderliness and classification of antonymic constructions, to their deeper study, but also facilitates the process of learning English.
Antonymy as a subject of research is still not a studied problem. There are many works on the problem of antonyms in general linguistics (L.A. Vvedenskaya, M.R. Lvov, D.Yu. Apresyan, L.A. Novikova) and in the study of English antonyms (V.N. Komissarov, S.F. Leontiev). The only dictionary of English antonyms edited by V.N. Komissarov in the 60s of the last century. However, despite the many works devoted to the antonymy of Russian and English, this topic is still not fully developed, especially in the context of teaching antonymy in English classes. This explains the relevance of the topic of this study.
The object of this work is antonymy as a linguistic phenomenon.
The subject of study is the antonymic relations in English and Russian Lexis.
The objective of the research is to identify the specifics of antonymy in Russian and English vocabulary and phraseology and develop a system of exercises for the study of the antonyms in the English language.
The solution of a number of tasks contributes to the achievement of the objective:
1. To consider the essence of the concept of “antonym”;
2. To consider the essence of the concept of “idiom” its specificity and difference from other lexical units;
3. To analyze the antonymic relations in Russian vocabulary and phraseology;
4. To analyze the antonymic relations in English vocabulary and phraseology;
5. To develop practical methods of antonyms for teaching at the secondary level.
The empirical material for the study was various dictionaries of antonyms of Russian and English languages.
The practical significance of this work is that the theoretical and factual material collected in it can be used in further developments of this issue; in the generalization of theoretical and factual material regarding antonymy in the vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian and English languages; in the developed methodology and system of exercises and in the possibility to use them in the educational process in a foreign language class.
The structure of this work is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of references.
Chapter 1 deals with the theoretical side of the study, defines the concept of antonym, its functions, types, and lexical meaning.
Chapter 2 contains an analysis of the specifics of antonymic relations in Russian an English lexicology.
Chapter 3 is dedicated to antonyms and its teaching in Russian, their comparison into English translation.
References cover 68 sources.

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The phraseological units in speech are used for the purpose of expressing emotions, making the speech figurative and expressive.
It should also be noted that in the language of each nation there are expressions that convey the national coloring of the language, they constitute a set of judgments about the life of the people, a system of accurate characteristics, observations and generalizations made by people. It is through language that culture is realized, stored and passed down from generation to generation. An important role in this process is given to phraseological units.
The phraseological units themselves, being a component of culture, simultaneously act as a mirror of folk culture; folk psychology and philosophy, preserving information about mentality, usually in coded form contain information about material life and spiritual guidelines of an ethnos, and indicate the picture of the world as a whole.
Vocabulary and phraseology act as the main form of objectification linguistic consciousness of many generations of people who speak a certain language. The semantic transformations of linguistic and phraseological units take on an important place in the language world. Precisely because of such transformations there are differences in the language picture of the world of related languages, which in the past had a common source, and, consequently, a common language picture of the world. Manifestations of changes in the perception of the ethnic group are, first, archaisation and neologization of vocabulary and phraseology.
Antonyms are nominative units of language mutually opposite in meaning, which serve to designate the mutually opposite single-entity phenomena of objective reality. Antonyms are a class of words that have semantic and structural features that distinguish them from other semantic classes of words. The class of antonyms is increasing, has no clear boundaries and is open in nature. Antonymy is an absolute language universal. Antonyms are different in pronunciation and opposite in meaning lexical units. The study of antonyms in the English language contributes to the expansion of vocabulary and increase the level of language proficiency. With the help of the preparation of antonymic pairs, one can memorize much more lexical units than with simple memorization.
The most effective way to establish the antonymy of phraseological units is, in our opinion, identifying the cognitive bases of the category of opposition through analyzing the seminal structure of their phraseological values − detecting common (identical) and opposite (counter) minimal semantic elements in opposed phraseologicalisms. In other words, the problem of phraseological antonymy should be solved at the level of cognitive-semasiological analysis, which focuses on the opposition:
a) in the sphere of categorical (partial-line) semantics;
b) cognitive-intentional character (at the level of internal forms of phraseological units);
c) at the level of the seminal structure of opposing phraseological units.
The synonym-antonymic groups often include multi-phrase phraseological antonyms. So the phraseologism «come into the world» (born) is the antonym of the synonymous series «go over the majority», «go the way of all flesh», «go to one’s last home», and others. The phraseological antonyms are basic reference idioms related to one grammatical class, partially coinciding or completely different in lexical composition, having a common semantic component in the presence of polar values and differing or coinciding in the stylistic relation.


Фрагмент текста работы:



1.1. The essence of the concept of “antonym”

Often idioms contain antonymic notions. Therefore, in this paper we will consider the essence of the concept of “antonym”. Antonyms are words with polar opposite meanings, opposed to each other in closed pair combinations. Antonymy has a support in opposing the species concepts united by the common meaning of the generic concept. For example, weight: heavy — light, color: black — white, size: large – small [47; 48].
Many scientists believe that the term «antonymy» is understood not as a simple opposite, which can be expressed by negation (for example, white — black), but by contrasting values expressed by different roots (for example, poor — rich, dry — wet) [46, р. 73].
Also, the recognition of antonyms as words with different roots does not reflect the true state of affairs. Antonymic pairs in Russian are formed with the help of prefixes (не -, etc.), а в английском выражаются с помощью аффиксов (un-, im — a, — dis, mis). In contrast to the point of view that antonyms can only have words that express quality, one can cite the opinion of Professor L.A. Varaksina, that the essence of the phenomenon of antonymy cannot be reduced only to the qualitative opposite of lexical units [46, р. 73].
An overview of the work on antonymy in foreign linguistics is given by H. Heckeler in his book Structural Semantics and the Theory of Semantic Field. He notes that compared with synonyms, antonyms have been studied significantly less. They have become an independent object of research mainly lately due to the development of structural linguistics.
According to the dictionary of linguistic terms by J. Knobloch, “an antonym is a word that enters with another word in a counter-relational or correlative opposition” [54, р. 87]. However, it should be noted a number of works containing objective proposals in addressing this issue. First of all, these are works, that expand the former narrow understanding of antonymy. In his study on synonymy, I. Filipets outlines several structural types of antonyms that express not only quality, but also quantity, assessment, spatial and temporal relations, opposites of actions and states.
As for the English language, an important contribution to the study of English antonyms was introduced by J. Lyons, who tended to differentiate the global understanding of antonymy. In his works “Structural semantics” and “Introduction to theoretical linguistics” J. Lyons presented a kind of classification of all the antonyms of the English language according to the types of opposites. He singled out three classes of antonyms — complementary, proper antonyms and convertives, and described their properties.
One of the most important tasks in the process of studying antonymy is the disclosure of the essence of the notion of «opposition», which is a central concept in the theory of antonymy. The opposite, which forms the basis of antonymy, is a multidimensional phenomenon [57, р. 191].

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