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Часть дипломной работы на тему Структурно-семантические и функциональные особенности сленга в произведении Д. Сэлинджера «Над пропастью во ржи»

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Slang, which is actively penetrating into the nation-wide speech today and exerting an increasingly tangible influence on the Russian literary language, is an object of keen interest for researchers: the interaction of youth slang with other social dialects is studied, its conceptual and thematic composition and stylistic coloring, sources of replenishment and word-formation models of vocabulary are analyzed slang. Particular attention in the study of slang units is given to the problem of linguistic ecology, which does not lose its relevance and is discussed not only by linguistic philologists (N.L. Shamne, L.P. Krysin, T. Mironova, L.V. Ratsiburgskaya, etc.), but also representatives of other sciences.
New forms of social relations to a certain extent affect representatives of a linguistic and cultural community as a whole and young people in particular, who are socially the most promising layer of society, whose linguistic competence and speech behavior largely determine the direction of development of other social subsystems of the language, including colloquial speech and literary language. Slang as an everyday language of youth communication is a kind of indicator of its level of development, interests, tastes and needs [Малеева 2011, р. 19]. Thus, in the slang reflecting changes in public life of the country associated with socio-economic and political events, etc.
Slang functions in various social groups. As noted by G.A. Joachimidi, a social group is an established circle of people whose interaction is based on a common interest and goals. Any social group personifies certain interconnections of individuals within the limits of historically established norms. A characteristic feature of a social group is the lack of development due to the constant strengthening of group processes, hidden or explicit. There are a number of social norms that characterize a social group, for example, legal or organizational significance due to various groups [Иоакимиди 2011, p. 136]. We believe that all this directly affects the formation of slang units, their subjects.
Varieties of slang are distinguished depending on the scope of its use: military jargon, journalistic jargon, computer slang, game jargon, network jargon, slang jargon, Fidonet jargon, youth slang, radio amateur jargon, drug addict slang, football hooligan slang, criminal jargon, fenya [Раренко 2017, p. 184].
However, it cannot be said that only young people speak slang. It is a subsystem of the language used by different social groups that differ from each other in both speech and clothing style, interests, behavior, roles in society, etc. Among many social and thematic groups, the following can be distinguished: the criminal world, business , drug addiction, army, entertainment, the person and the world around him, assessment, drunkenness and alcoholism [Ермакова 1999, p. 12-17], but also such as sports jargon, musical jargon, media and political jargon, computer jargon, youth slang [Липатов 2010, p. 126-142], slang of schoolchildren, hippie slang, student slang and many others.
So, G.A. Joachimidi, gives in his article examples of the following thematic groups [Иоакимиди 2011, p. 139-140] (Table 1):


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